When you have a website or an web application, rate of operation is essential. The swifter your web site performs and the speedier your web applications perform, the better for everyone. Since a site is a number of files that interact with each other, the devices that store and access these data files have an important role in web site operation.

Hard disks, or HDDs, were, until the past several years, the most reliable systems for keeping data. Nonetheless, in recent times solid–state drives, or SSDs, have already been gaining interest. Look at our assessment chart to see if HDDs or SSDs are more suitable for you.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a brand–new & inventive approach to data storage in accordance with the utilization of electronic interfaces as an alternative to any kind of moving parts and spinning disks. This brand–new technology is considerably faster, enabling a 0.1 millisecond data file accessibility time.


HDD drives still use the very same general data access concept that’s actually created in the 1950s. Though it was noticeably advanced since then, it’s slower in comparison with what SSDs will offer. HDD drives’ data access rate ranges in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is crucial for the operation of a file storage device. We have carried out extensive trials and have identified an SSD can deal with at the least 6000 IO’s per second.


All through the exact same tests, the HDD drives turned out to be much slower, with 400 IO operations addressed per second. While this may seem like a great number, if you have a busy server that serves loads of well known sites, a sluggish hard disk drive can result in slow–loading sites.

3. Reliability


The absence of moving parts and spinning disks in SSD drives, and the latest advancements in electrical interface technology have led to a much safer data file storage device, with a common failure rate of 0.5%.


As we have noted, HDD drives depend on spinning disks. And something that works by using many moving elements for continuous time frames is more prone to failing.

HDD drives’ common rate of failure varies among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are considerably smaller compared to HDD drives as well as they do not have virtually any moving parts whatsoever. This means that they don’t create just as much heat and need significantly less power to work and much less power for cooling down purposes.

SSDs consume somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the time they were created, HDDs were always extremely power–ravenous devices. Then when you have a hosting server with numerous HDD drives, this will boost the month to month electric bill.

Typically, HDDs use up between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The faster the file accessibility rate is, the sooner the data file demands will likely be adressed. Therefore the CPU will not have to hold resources expecting the SSD to respond back.

The normal I/O delay for SSD drives is simply 1%.


HDD drives permit reduced access rates compared to SSDs do, which will result in the CPU needing to delay, whilst saving assets for the HDD to find and return the inquired data.

The standard I/O delay for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In real life, SSDs conduct as wonderfully as they have in the course of our checks. We competed a full system back up using one of the production machines. During the backup process, the typical service time for I/O requests was basically under 20 ms.


In contrast to SSD drives, HDDs provide substantially sluggish service rates for I/O demands. Throughout a web server backup, the common service time for an I/O query can vary somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Speaking about back–ups and SSDs – we have spotted a significant improvement in the data backup rate since we turned to SSDs. Right now, a standard web server back–up requires merely 6 hours.


On the other hand, on a hosting server with HDD drives, an identical data backup usually takes 3 to 4 times as long in order to complete. A full back up of any HDD–powered hosting server normally takes 20 to 24 hours.

Should you want to without delay improve the overall overall performance of your respective websites and never having to change just about any code, an SSD–driven hosting solution will be a excellent option. Take a look at the shared website hosting plans – these hosting solutions have quick SSD drives and can be found at cost–effective price points.

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